The Day Before The Day
The reason any particular moment has the potential to change the course of your life is because of the accumulation of tender and meaningful moments that happened in between. The in between is where care happens. It’s where acts of kindness are done without witnesses and where vulnerability is met with an unconditional reception. It’s where trust is built and where our darkest and brightest parts become exposed. Can you remember what you did the day before you decided someone was your best friend? Or what you did the day before you spoke to a parent for the last time? What about the day before you decided to spend the rest of your life with someone? The in between is where real intimacy is born.
I am guided by the practice of searching for and appreciating the subtlety of what comes before and after milestones. You have to pay close attention, though… these moments could look like anything! Sometimes they are charming and endearing, like the way your partner wiggles their finger to silently request that you hold their hand, or when the handle of your daily coffee mug fits your finger just right. Sometimes they stem from anger or sadness, like when an eruption of frustrations to a friend is met with understanding and a hug, or when the chip in your favorite plate becomes a design feature, not a flaw. More often than not, these moments are mundane and routine, like when your grandmother asks you to get lunch once a month or the way the bottom of your bowl has exactly the right curve so your spoon can gather every scrap of ice cream, giving you the perfect last bite.
For the pots in this gallery, right now is the day before the day. Tomorrow they will be relocated and put to work. They will feed someone, enliven a home, and facilitate significantly mundane moments. Today, though, they exist simply to be in relation to each other.